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It feels so magical! I wish we could have seen who the little bunny wanted to visit, or their reunion. It's a beautiful game anyway!

Such a cute little game! 

short, sweet, and a delight :)

super cute!!

Thanks max ❤️ I love your work and it's super cutre too ^^ been following you on twitter for many years

short and sweet, wonderful

(2 edits)

Very cool little game, chill vibes! Loved it! Graphics are fantastic!

Feedback (hopefully constructive):

1) Can't control the camera independently from the character using my 2nd stick (playing with an xbox controller), not sure if that's on purpose.

2) [SPOILER! SPOILER! SPOILER!] Sometimes when I'm out of fuel the ending triggers, and sometimes it teleports me back to try again. Can't figure out why one or the other happens.

heck yeah

No Commentary Gameplay

thank you for making it, this was so beautiful! made me want to know more about their carrot's story


Thanks so much for playing 💛


A kind experience.

Very beautiful game.


Loved it!

cute and simple.

very cute game i really like it    :D


this game is pure magic! there’s something about it that feels so special and makes me want to know more about its world <3


This is gorgeous! Made me emotional. Incredible game!!